Selling a damaged home fast for cash

My sister lived a really short but intense lifestyle.

She got into drugs, partying and all sorts of things not good for her health.

She passed away way too young but didn’t surprise anyone. What did surprise me is that I inherited her Indianapolis, IN home. I didn’t really know what to do with it. At first I thought perhaps I could rent it. Then I saw the damage she did to her home. There was garbage, graffiti, damage, and all sorts of messes. I thought it was possible the home could be condemned if left too long. I was grieving my sister, I really didn’t want to clean up and repair a home. I also didn’t want to see some of the things in that house. I decided that listing my Indianapolis real estate wasn’t going to be possible. I ended up looking for Indiana real estate companies that specialize in cash home offers. Selling my inherited Indianapolis, IN real estate fast for cash was a good move. I didn’t even need to step foot in my sister’s home. They took care of everything. The mess, garbage, and questionable material in that home isn’t a concern of theirs at all. For me, I was expecting to get anything after my sister passed. So any money that came in was extra. I was really glad to not have a possibly condemned Indianapolis, IN real estate in my portfolio. Now I am able to move on from her death and think about other things. It was wonderful how quick and easy the process was.

Sell my ugly house